Tuesday 12 May 2009

Homage to my Teachers.

"Namo Guru Benza dhara Ye"
"Homage to my teacher the bearer of reality"

Akong Rinpoche and Tashi Meeting H.H 17th Karmapa in Tsurphu, Tibet, 1996

His Eminence Tai Situ Rinpoche amused with Tashi, Samye Ling temple 1995

to my teachers:

His Eminence The 12th Tai Situpa, whom is an inspiration and guide in Tibetan calligraphic art.
My spiritual father and scriptural moderator, the late Akong Tulku Rinpoche, along with his brother Lama Yeshe Losal Rinpoche, Abbot and retreat master.
To my beloved teacher in the Tibetan arts, Master of Thanka painting, the late Sherab Palden Beru.
Also my teacher in Lanza and Wartu Sanskrit scripts, Lama Pema Lodrup of Dharamsala.
To Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, who opend my eyes to contemporary Tibetan calligraphy.
To the late Tenga Tulku, for his precise instruction in the art of creating Mandalas.
Not forgetting some of my other teachers such as, Thrungu Rinpoche, Lama lodro of Palpung and the late Lama Thubten of Palpung and Nyingma Lama Pema.

Tashi Mannox happily sandwiched between Sherab Palden Beru and Akong Tulku Rinpoche, London Samye Dzong 2008.

Tashi with Lama Pema Lodrup in 2000, at his home with beautiful garden, at the Men-Tsee-Khang, Khara Danda road, Dharamsala, India.

Palpung Lama Lodro and Tashi at Karma Naro in the Welsh borders 1987.

Tenga Rinpoche leading a course on 'Vajrayana ritual/mandalas' in the old shrine room of Samye Ling Johnstone house 1986.


  1. Sanskrit: namo guru vajradharaye

    A free translation might be:

    "Homage to my teacher the bearer of reality"

    Nice one. Been feeling a lot of gratitude to my main teacher lately as well. Might cook up some calligraphy for him.


  2. It is so amazing how certain people, in this case them, accomplish so many great things by only thinking positive things

  3. Sad news Tashi , you must have some wonderful memories of Rinpoche.
    Blessings , jim
